Tuesday, 19 April 2011

The Greedy King

There was a king named Midas in Greece. He was very greedy. He loved gold most then anything else in the world. One day when Midas was counting his gold coins, an Angel told Midas," You are very rich". Midas said," I am not rich. I have very little gold". The Angel said, "You are not satisfied with so much gold. How much more do you want?" The king said,"I want a boon such that whatever thing I touch, it should become gold. The Angel said,"Ok, from tomorrow morning whatever you touch will become gold".

The next morning, when he touched a table and a chair, it became gold. He was very happy. When he was very hungry and thirsty, the servant brought food and water for him, and as soon as Midas touched food and the water it became gold. Midas started crying because he was very hungry. When his daughter saw him crying, she sat on his lap and, became a golden statue. Now he wept very bitterly.

The Angel appeared again. The king requested the Angel to take his boon back. He said, "I do not want gold. Man can live without gold but he cannot live without a piece of bread and a glass of water". The Angle took some water in a bowl and said him to sprinkle it on everything that had turned gold. Midas sprinkled the water on his daughter, table, chair, food, and on his clothes. Everything became as they were before.  

(1) Even the King only need bread and water for sustenance............PAP ministers think their are more than a King! --> Yes
(2) A King also need the love of the family and his people............is PAP listening to the people and are they loved?? --> No
(3) The King's soul was in poverty & despair worshiping only MONEY, gold, golden chairs, table, tap & others................why do PAP ministers need S$2 ~S$4+ million salary?? and asking for more??? Are they satisfied? --> No
(4) PAP ministers' arrogance and in-sensitivities must be due to their hearts already being turned into very expensive SOLID GOLD!! When will they start to realize that having the "Midas Touch" is not always a good thing after all..............they'd sold their souls to MONEY? --> Yes

==> If your answers for the above 4 questions are < Yes, No, No, Yes >, then your inner voice is telling something very clear and important, vote wisely on polling day, 7th May 2011.

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